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Eventhough TECHNIFELTS is a recently created company, it has inherited a large and positive experience of more than 30 years on the manufacturing of these products.

Tannery Technical Felts

Technical felts used on the textile, carboard, filtration, sublimation, vertical gardens and marble industries, are also manufactured.

Export & International Commerce

Export oriented of its products, TECHNIFELTS has achieved a great locally and international acceptance. To achieve this market expansion, TECHNIFELTS relays on a worldwide web of agents, all of them with a vast ethic, and technical, recognition from their communities. To all of them our thankfull, because without their valuable collaboration such achievements would had been impossible.

Sandra Navarrete
Tel/Fax: +52 222 762 92 45
Email & Skype: feltsandy@yahoo.com.mx


Once the company was consolidated, and because of current globalization, TECHNIFELTS, joints its experiences with Brazilian company TECNOTAN, and together founds a new company “TECNOFELTRO DO BRASIL” in order to supply BRASIL’s local market.


Jesus Alberto Guerrero Pandal
Tel: +52 1 2222 38 20 07
Email: scapafelt@gmail.com

Ing. Humberto Vallejo
Tel /Fax: +52 1 2764 77 00 03
Email & Skype: humbertogvallejo@yahoo.com.mx

Cristina Guerrero Diaz
Tel/Fax: +52 222 253 64 32
Email: tfnavarro@yahoo.com.mx

Who are us

TECHNIFELTS, an industrial felts manufacturer company, was established during the beginning of the 2000’s, and is located in the textile state of Puebla, Mexico.

TECHNIFELTS, main activity, is the production of Tannery Felts used on:

  • Sammying
  • Sammying setting out
  • Finishing processes